Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead
Ah, life. I was doing so well with posting often... then, life got busy and I stepped back from the blog-e-sphere for nearly 20 days. It's been a great few weeks, though!
This time of year is an important time for Marianists. We celebrate the lives and legacies of two of our founders - Venerable Adele de Batz de Trenquelleon and Blessed William Joseph Chaminade... we celebrate our charism as a Marianist family - lay and religious, women and men - working together to bring forth the Reign of God... we examine the challenges of being a Marianist in today's world and the gifts that we have to offer the world. And, we reflect on our role as "missionaries of Mary" who calls us to "do whatever he tells us" and continually birth Jesus in this world - as community.
So, needless to say, we've been busy! With prayer services, Masses, dinners, receptions, challenging talks and meetings... all good stuff, of course.
Today, I reflect on the quote above. In the midst of celebrating our heritage, I have also been busy working with the UD Lay Marianist Community and in meetings for the Marianist LIFE program (for high school students). The Lay Marianist Community (their name is the Embers Community) made their commitment on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Now, with most of them in their last semester of college, they are struggling to come to some sense of identity and mission... asking themselves, "Who are we as a community?" and "What role do we play in the larger Marianist family, in the Church, in the world?" These are exciting questions, but they are also large questions - and important... Also, last weekend I was in Philadelphia for national meetings for the LIFE program - tonight I have a conference call with the regional team - and in two weeks the regional team (for Marianist LIFE South which takes place in Texas) will meet in person for the first time in preparation for this summer program.
Why do these two groups - the Embers Community and the 3 teams who work on LIFE programs - bring to mind the above quote? And what does that quote have to do with being Marianist? A LOT! :) The mission of the Marianist Family - and therefore the Embers and the Marianist LIFE program - is big. Our mission can also seem overwhelming and too much for such a small group of people... But, Venerable Adele says it best,
"Let us then courageously put ourselves to work, not letting ourselves be frightened by the greatness of the task. Let us think only of what we are doing at the moment, of doing it well, for it is only in the fidelity and perfection with which we do our ordinary actions that our progress in virtue consists."
This quote from Adele is also pertinent for me, personally, these days. In the next few weeks I will write the letter to our provincial council requesting first vows. FIRST VOWS! Can we say, "overwhelming?" Not overwhelming in a scary kind of way. More like exciting and "butterflies in the stomach" sort of thing. Does that make sense? These are exciting times for me... but it's "big." And so, I have to remind myself not to be "frightened by the greatness of the task."
Sorry, my thoughts are a little all over the place today! There's a lot going on in this head of mine... what else is new??
Many blessings to all who read this!
~Sr. N