Saturday, April 26, 2008

Solitude is not something you must hope for in the future.
Rather, it is a deepening of the present,
and unless you look for it in the present
you will never find it.
Thomas Merton

So, it's been a little while since my last post. I hadn't even realized how quickly the time passes. I've been back in San Antonio now for a little over 2 weeks. In many ways, life has slowed down A LOT. And yet, in so many other ways, it hasn't slowed down at all!

As you might recall, my time here is specifically for "vow preparation." Some people may wonder what exactly that means. Well... it means that I spend a lot of time reflecting and praying about the commitment I will make in a little over 6 weeks... I have class with Sr. Gretchen (and sometimes other sisters) 3 times a week and reading that accompanies the classes. The reading comes from Church documents, our Sisters' documents/writings, the writings of Marianist brothers/priests and our Rule of Life. And I spend a lot of time just "me and God."

This is quite a different pace than life was in Dayton! However, I am finding this time to be good. I have time to really delve deeply into the inner life... all that God has done in, through, and around me... and the life which I will enter more completely with the profession of vows.

So, I suppose I should say that my "outer life" has slowed down to a considerable crawl... while my inner life is "jumping." :) God's been busy in my life... not that I'm surprised, but I do find it difficult to put it all into words as of right now. Can you imagine, me at a loss for words?? Miracles never cease...

Perhaps that's why I haven't posted lately. Today, though, I decided that I should at least let you know that I'm alive and well... and reflecting on the great mystery of God's infinite love and the call for me to follow in this way. It's a little overwhelming to phrase it that way, but that's where I am!

Many blessings to all who read this!
Sr. N


Kelly_SSJ said...

sounds like soem good stuff!!!!Prayers and blessings!

Lisa said...

Thanks for letting us know how life is going. It sounds like it's a good time for you as you prepare for First Profession and the transition into the fullness of religious life as a Marianist Sister! Know that our prayers continue to accompany you.

Bro.Gene Frank SM said...

Google alerted me about your post on preparing for vows. Even the word "solitude" puts one into a state of prayer. Thanks for this. I have quoted your post on my blog Marianist Resources.